Thursday, January 28, 2010

another salem thursday night

And again out for drinks and dinner in salem and of course same ol salem croud...why im suprised anymore who knows. But i have to say we always have a good time, bottle of wine, dinner and dessert cant go wrong even if it is not with a date, best friends and having fun are all that matter really.

We checked out victorias station tonight sat at the bar and of course right as we sit down this guy that goes to boot camp with us (think late 40s, rounnd, and all we ever see him in is a purple sweatshirt and swoosh pants sweating...literally he wears the same outfit everytime) walks in. and of course we do the super awkward new england ignore people we dont talk to on a regular basis but whatev he stayed for a drink and left so the awkwardness was at a minimum.

But dinner was good a good healty meal of dipping sauces with a side of chicken (seriously i asked for all the different kinds and it took up 3/4's of my plate bc the dishes were so big and my chicken cramed in the last 1/4). Then finished off the meal with the biggest icecream mud pie id ever seen. Its a good thing cori and i are all about eating wahts good in the moment and not caring about the fat content we may be consuming, otherwise i'd probably be running now and not getting ready for bed.

Well more to come hopefully this weekend. Maybe out in Boston tomorrow for a change of scenery and then Passion Party at Dee's on saturday with the girls!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life issues...I guess

I don't think there will ever be a time in my life when I will say ok, this is it, I'm in adult. I know what I'm doing. uggghh I cannot figure out what to be when I grow up. I'm happy with my job for now but there is no room to move up so I have to switch. Switch to what???? That is the question. Do I have to decide right now what I want to do for the rest of my life? Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I have so many friends my age going through the same thing. Anyways, my boss is pushing me to grad school so I guess that's where I'm headed...

I also just got out of a relationship with I think leaves this giant gap in your life. Not just an emotional gap, but a time gap. I have all this time that was filled by him and is now just empty. I am free to fill it with whatever I please. School and studying I guess :( Maybe if I was a real life grown up I would just know what to do and I would say "I am an independant woman with a great job and a good head on my shoulders" I'm not though. I'm 25 with a poorly paying job that I love in a 1200 sq foot apt with 3 girls and 2 dogs.

Well for now I'm going to eat the remnants of the mint chocolate chip ice cream pint in the freezer because I just worked out. Thats the real reason to work out I think. Oh and I think I will watch some crappy reality television.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 1

Soo its 10:30 PM and we finally got this thing set is WAYYYY past our bedtime haha

Harpoon Fest tomorrow should be prove to be a good start to this site.